You will find when looking at the bagging scales we offer that we sell both analog and digital versions of weighing scales. Below we have mapped out some of the advantages and disadvantages of both as you go through the choosing process of finding the right item for you and your business.

Digital scales are the super powered version of scales of old. When compared to their sister scale, the digital scale is faster and more accurate to the ounce. There is also the less chance of human error because you do not have to mess with weights to counterbalance. For instances where you need to bag and stock a lot of product quickly, this is easily the better option.

The analog scale is not without its own set of pros. For those with a smaller business that does not need to constantly be moving product, or those that work on a per order deal, these are ideal for those situations. Analog scales are also a lower cost option and also do not depend on electricity making it the best deal for return on investment if your business does not move a mass amount of product.